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 A Piece of You

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Project Description:

A piece of you. We are going to make a collaborative project where students will get a giant puzzle piece and decorate it to represent themselves. This lesson will teach teamwork and collaboration which we haven't introduced yet and will be a good ending note for this class. It will also teach self understanding because this puzzle piece will be a piece of themselves (or in other words who they are and what they like). It also helps to unify the class as a community just as one puzzle piece at a time unifies the whole puzzle.

Essential Understanding:

  • Artists and designers can collaborate to make works of art and design.

  • Artist and designers can explore their personal Identity and that can be represented through aesthetic decisions in art making.

  • Artist and designers may have different approaches/ideas but when we compare we can find things that are similar when working collaboratively.  


  • Students will show their ability to work together as a group by creating  a collaborative 3D project.

  • Students will combine their ideas about their own identity with the identities of others by creating individual puzzle pieces that fit into a whole puzzle.

  • Students will be able to understand community/collaboration.

  • Students will demonstrate their ability to participate in a genuine artistic experience using found objects, paint and other media to express their ideas about identity.


1. Work on collaboration skills

2. Create work that has a personal meaning

3. Function as well as design, students will be able to creative problem solve.

It was important for the teachers to participate in creating a unique piece because we are also a part o the community.

This stuent really seemed to grasp the concept of community because her piece represented a small town on the cusp of a forest.  She noted in our final discussion how this was a small community.

Our last class was bittersweet. We ended on a wonderful note on how community is importation. We discussed that every puzzle piece was each student and when pieced together we make not only a bigger puzzle but a community.

Our little community fits great together. Our similarities and differences are clear in this final puzzle representation.

This student was also very invested in the colors he used. He noted that "colors are the best because they look so good when they're all together" which I thought could have been a sign that he was really understanding the ideas behind community- that is that many different and colorful parts make up a whole

This student made a great connection that expressed her understanding of her own expression of her identity through her work when she talked about how she loved horses and how she chose to use that interest in her vehicle sculpture.  She also used multimedia in a way that appealed to more than just the visual senses.  She used panty hose in the horse sculpture because it felt the same as a horses's hair and she used actual rocks to make her tomb in her faith-based puzzle piece.

This student was extremely vocal and involved in his puzzle piece without much help initially.  He also decided to join another group at a table where most students were siting to observe what everyone liked. When he went back to creating he continued using red (his favorite color) and his collage techniques that he practiced nearly every class.

The class was diligently working though tout the entire class. They talked about things they liked and disliked as well as conspired their similarities in dislikes and likes.

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